Wednesday 4 April 2012

still HOT

Just when I was talking to my friend on Facebook he made a weird comment to which I replied “don’t judge me.”
Well you can’t blame me for that it has always been this way. I do something and get judged for that.  My friend on Facebook was just being himself and telling me the truth, but the truth is generally hard to accept. Isn’t it?
I always hear people saying. “Just be yourself” but then those same people are the ones who say things and pass comments on you and others as if it is their business. Why?? I don’t understand.  I hear things like “I hate fake people”, “you can be honest to me “, “please tell me the truth”. But how many of those people follow that? I don’t know. But I kind of know the reason why. They are all scared of being judged. If you happen to tell people who you truly are you are scared that they may hate you. The fear of rejection and of being unwanted is what takes the toll of you. I personally do not blame people who may lie to me about themselves as any way it is none of my business to know the truth about them. But yes, I will have a problem with prejudice and hypocrisy. It is very easy to get into the band wagon and say you agree to something when in real you don’t, and it is also very easy to pass a comment and judgment over someone when you know the half truth or no truth at all. All this happens just to “FIT IN.”
Everybody wants to fit in, and why shouldn’t they?? After all that’s how it works right? Most of us are not loners so we do give a damn about the society and want to be involved in it. We all want to sit together and bitch about a particular girl who has no dressing sense, we all want to have a beer and pretend that we enjoy it because everybody does that, we all want to make fun of that boy who rides a scooty and fills petrol of just 30rs. We all do it, including me.
Sometimes to feel good about your miserable life one tends to put someone else down. Everybody at some point or the other in their life tends to do this mistake. Yes I call it a mistake and sooner you learn that the better it is for you as you can also be a victim of someone else’s judgment and not even know.
My point is you should “Just be yourself” but sometimes it’s ok not to be. What you have done and what you have become today is your journey and no other person on this planet is in the place to ‘know’ that. They may listen and say they understand and by that they mean they are taking it in their stride, digesting the fact, they understand you they do not understand the situation simply because they are not where you are. Nevertheless stick to these people, because by doing this they respect you for who you are.
This gets me to think that following the band wagon is so easy but going against it and being accepted so dearly is something that I have seen happen only with one person in my life. He is the only one I know who has never been anything other than just himself with everybody, no exceptions and is loved and adored by all. He is the only one who has put a point so easily and smoothly in front of me, and being the rigid person I am when it comes to arguments, I was left with no choice but to accept them all with full agreement. Of course there is a difference between just accepting and accepting with agreement right? He makes it look so easy to be yourself and I am sure he doesn’t have to work hard for that and also I am proud to say that he is the love of my life but not anyone and everyone can be like him. He has the blessing of being truthful to himself and others. Most of us can do it only with ourselves but for that too one requires a conscious. There are all kinds of people and the ones who can really be themselves are the lucky ones. Being you and being truthful are two different things. But that is a whole other topic to discuss. If and only if we could all do that, it would definitely be so easy to actually LIVE.
P.S. I named this blog “STILL HOT” because that’s what my friends said to me when we had this discussion. The discussion is “STILL HOT” *wink*


  1. Oh girl .... u definitely pack a punch n its actually intoxicating me :)) May be that guy pal of urs, was a bit tentative to start with as he has not quite known you as a person. But, since I know him he is quite the opposite in reality ....accepts the people as they are long as they don't go off-hand and meddle in his personal life. Perhaps, he thought you would be a touch shy with your reaction if he made a comment on your dressing sense ...on the first meet itself. It would have appeared kinna cheesy right. He is quite the person in real as on FB :))As I tell my female friends, 'if you have it, flaunt it' Just be yourself. If a thin guy can showcase his bony abs, why not a gal a lil or lil mo' cleavo if she has what it takes. Trust my comment is vindicated, and that you know the thinso :))
    Buh yeshhhh, lurvvvv u as u are ... bold n bindaaas, frank n forthright in thoughts n actions :))Go well, n you can always count on me as a friend :))

  2. owww.. thanks Basil... You after all inspired me to write. God bless..
